ACE: Accounting Research Journal is open access and peer reviewed journal. ACE: Accounting Research Journal mainly covers original idea related to the accounting issue. Published articles can be either theoretical, empirical, or in between of those two polar variants.

The journal publishes research from various topics in accounting, including but is not limited to the following topics: Financial Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Management Accounting, Islamic Accounting and Financial Management, Auditing, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Professionalism, Corporate Finance, Accounting Education, Taxation, Capital Market, Banking, Accounting Information System, and Sustainability Reporting.

ACE: Accounting Research Journal is published by Accounting Department, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Papua. ACE: Accounting Research Journal is issued twice a year, on June and December in electronic and print form and welcomes for academicians, researchers, practitioners, and public to submit related work. This journal has been indexed in Google Scholar.

Current Issue

Vol 4 No 2 (2024): December
Published: 2024-12-31


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